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Frequently Asked Questions


Condo Declaration Section  Number – Topic

11.23 – Golf Cart/Unlicensed Motorized Vehicles


Q: Can anyone operate my golf cart?

A: Although anyone can operate your golf cart, anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.


Q: My 12-year-old grandson knocks over someone’s mailbox with my golf cart, who is responsible?

A: The golf cart owner is responsible for any/all liability from the operation of the golf cart, regardless of who was operating it.


Q: Do I need lights on my golf cart?

A: Anyone operating a golf cart between sunset & sunrise must have headlights and rear reflectors/taillights. All lights must be in always working order.


11.18 – Domestic Pets

Q: My dog is well-trained and never leaves my property. Does she have to be on a leash?

A: Yes. Any domestic pet must be on a leash when outside the owners’ home.


Q: My friends are coming from Texas and want to bring their Great Dane to visit. Is this permitted?

A: No pet over 25 lbs. is permitted on the property. If the Great Dane weighs over 25 lbs., it is not permitted. Additionally, only two (2) pets are permitted at an owners’ home at any time so if you have 2 pets, the Great Dane or any other pet is not permitted regardless of their size.


Q: What if my friend brings their 18 lb. dog and it barks and disturbs the neighbor.  Who is responsible?

A: All guests (and their pets) must adhere to all park Rules and other documents, so both you the owner and your friend are responsible.


Note: Service Dogs are excluded from these restrictions. Our Park follows the guidelines of Title II and III of the ADA.


Item 19.3 Driveway Size:  All homes must have a concrete driveway of a length or width to accommodate two (2) full-size cars, and a minimum of 300 square feet of usable space. All driveways, carports, and storage rooms must be completed within 120 days of the home’s arrival on the lot unless given a special exemption by the Board of Directors.


Q: What about the asphalt driveways in the park?

A: Those few were grandfathered as they existed before the Declaration was updated but would have to be brought up to the current standard if/when they are replaced.


Q: Can I enclose part of my carport to create more sheltered space?

A: Probably. You must remember that your driveway must be long or wide enough to accommodate 2 (two) full-size vehicles. Depending on how you plan to enclose some of your carport space, you may require a Building Permit.


Q: Can I paint my driveway?

A: There is nothing in the ‘Park’ rules that prohibit the painting of driveways but all aspects or every property must always be aesthetically pleasing.


Item 19.11 Lawn Sprinkler Systems/Rain Sensors:  All homes with an irrigation system, no matter what the age of the house is, must have an operational rain sensor. The Unit Owner shall be responsible for maintaining operational sprinkler systems and maintaining sprinkler heads at or below ground level, and at the Owner’s discretion, protected by a concrete donut.  Operational sprinkler systems and rain sensors must be installed within 120 days of a home’s arrival on a lot.


Q: Water is bubbling up at one of my sprinklers. What do I do?

A: It is likely that the sprinkler head is damaged or the irrigation line at the sprinkler is damaged. It is your responsibility to have that repaired.


Q: One of my sprinkler heads is not working. Who is responsible for it?

A: The owner is responsible and must make repairs as soon as it is noticed. If repairs are not made, the ‘Park’ will turn your irrigation system off.


Q: When do I water my lawn?

A: You can irrigate on your assigned days – see your house documents for your list of days – and NOT within the hours of 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


Q: How long can each zone operate?

A: Each zone is limited to twenty (20) minutes or less operating time.


Item 19.17 Clotheslines:  Only umbrella type clotheslines shall be permitted in the ‘Park’. Should clotheslines become damaged or unsightly, it shall either be removed or replaced immediately.


Q: I have a chance to acquire a T-style set of clothesline posts. Can I put that up instead?

A: No. Only umbrella type clotheslines are permitted because other styles are hazardous to workers.


Q: Can I leave my umbrella clothesline in the ‘up’ position all the time?

A: No, this is a potential hazard to contractors so please put it ‘down’ when not in use.

In the ‘Park’ Declaration, there are a few references to Guests, specifically Section 11, Item 14 and Section 17, Items 1 through 4.


Section 11.14 indicates the general conditions under which a guest can be present.   Basically 30 days in any one calendar year; their actions are the responsibility of the homeowner; and an owner must be present for a non-related guest to occupy the home.


Q: Can I have a friend come to stay with me from December 15th of one year until January 30th of the next year? 

A: Yes, the conditions of no more than 30 days in any one calendar year are being met. 


Q: Can that same person come back and visit again for the month of March in that same year?

A: The same friend can do daytime  visits anytime in the year but CANNOT stay overnight  for the rest of the year.  Rules are that overnight guests are limited to 30 days in any calendar year  (they have already had  30 overnight stays in January).


Q: Who is responsible if my guest damages something at the swimming pool?

A: You, as the owner, are responsible for this damage.


Section 17.1-4 distinguishes between a guest and a tenant and clarifies the differences between a daytime and an overnight guest. 


Q: Can my friend come and visit any number of times as long as they do not stay overnight?
A: Yes, there are no specific limits as to how many times an individual can visit an owner as a daytime guest.


Q: Do I have to advise the Directors of the names of my overnight guests if I am present?
A: No, except if the guest is a convicted felon etc., which is clarified in the Declaration.


Q: Can my daughter and son-in-law stay in my home as a guest if I am not there?
A: Yes, a ‘related’ person is someone who is related to the owner by way of blood, marriage, or adoption, and they can stay in the home even if the owner is not present. They are limited to the 30 day per year rule.

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